Do you think arranged marriages would work in modern society?

In modern society I do not believe that arranged marriages will work. Marriage is something that is worked out between a couple that truly love each other and have a special bond that no one can break. This sacred bond can never be broken. This sacred bond cannot be gained by people choosing it for you. You cannot choose the love of your life, and no one else can choose for you. Love chooses for you. Love will find you unexpectedly, and when you least expect it. So in my own personal opinion arranged marriages would not work in our society.

Are People More Respectful Online

In my opinion people are less respectful online then they are in person. The reason I believe this is because people are typically more nice when you are in person. But if you are not face to face with someone you have nothing to be scared about, so you can be as rude as you want. I’m not saying all people on the internet are rude, but the chance of meeting someone rude online has a bigger possibility than someone being rude in person. When your in person face to face and you be rude it can go several ways you can get in a really big trouble for it if you say it to someones face. But online you can’t always see someone’s face, or even know who they are. So they can talk a big game, or be as rude as they please. So I believe that people are a lot more rude online than they are in person.


Whats your opinion on love

1.) My opinion on love at first sight is that i think it is true. There may be a love at first sight but it might not be true love. Love at first sight means that you feel that tension between you and that other person. When you make eye contact you may be a bit scared, you may be a bit happy, you may even be a bit confused. You may feel that tension at first sight like most people do, but a lot of people don’t. A lot of people say that it is fake, that it is not real in any way. That’s their belief but not mine. I do believe there is a love at first sight for everyone.

2.) lying is justified in certain situations. Lying just because you want to look cool, or that you want to pursue a fake personality is wrong. If you are a criminal investigator and you are trying to convince a criminal that you have him on tape of what he did to try to give in, that may be a way of a good reason to lie. If you lie on a daily bases guess what you become a liar. No one will ever believe you for what you say or how you speak. So i do, and do not see ways of lying for the good and lying for the bad.